Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Line Follower Robot - 5716 Words

UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM | EE2G - Design Report | THE GREAT EGG RACE | | | 25.01.2012 | Table of Contents Appendix 3 The Group Contract 3 Introduction 4 Literature Review 4 History of mobile robots: 4 The history of the line-following robots: 5 Ongoing a most advanced projects on line-following robots or line-following based robots: 5 Aims: 6 Objectives: 6 Requirements: 6 System Decomposition 7 Group Management Structure 9 Name of the Robot 9 Mechanical Design 10 Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice 10 Option 1 10 Option 2 11 Review of the Frame 12 Review of the Wheels 12 Final Design 13 Electronic Design 14 Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design†¦show more content†¦The next generations would follow a light source, determine if there are any obstacles and plug in themselves when their battery was low and according to the needs they would have different functions and made huge improvements in the progress so that they cover a very wide range of features. Line-following robots which are the main subject of this project are classified as â€Å"Land or Home Wheeled† robots. It is necessary to be said that the technology is far more advanced now that the robots with human like or animal like legs to provide mobility rather than legs exist. The technology has gone as far as making intelligent human-like robot (Androids), with a variety of capabilities such as speaking, voice recognition, face recognition, human like movements, dancing and singing. The purposes behind these projects are coming from a variety of backgrounds as well such as: Household robot which can undertakes any of a house holds maid’s duties and science fiction movie productions. The pioneer countries in Android are Japan, Korea, the US, the UK and Iran. The information above are to show how advance the technology has gone in mobile robots but since the aims set for this project require very much lower level of understandingShow MoreRelated My aim is to produce a line follower robot with a bump sensor1559 Words   |  7 Pagesto produce a line follower robot with a bump sensor which can reverse if it goes off course. Research: Line follower robots are most commonly produced to take part in competitions. The purpose of the line follower robot is to follow a line. The robot will only follow a line that is black against a white background or a white line against a black background. This is so that the sensors can distinguish a clear difference in light and so the robot can trace and follow the line. 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